Tommy Emmanuel


Guitar Dreamers Workshop & Concert
27 Apr 2017

Guitar Dreamers is proud to announce a a day with Tommy Emmanuel in two parts to be held at the Manship Theatre on Lafayette St. in downtown Baton Rouge. TICKETS HERE!

Master Guitar Class

First Tommy will hold a Master Guitar Class. Guitar Dreamers has had the honor of hosting Tommy Emmanuel every year for the past 10 years, but this is our first ever Tommy Emmanuel Master Class. The class will be limited to 90 attendees and will be held in the Manship Hartley Vey Theater.

You can bring your own guitar, and Tommy will play several songs and give instruction as well. Also, there will be a time for questions and time to visit with Tommy. Tommy Emmanuel is considered to be one of the premier guitarists in the world today, and has been nominated for two Grammy Awards.

To have this opportunity to learn from one of the masters is a rare privilege. Don’t hesitate to purchase your ticket. Complimentary water will be serviced and a cash drink station will be provided.

Evening Concert

The afternoon class will be followed by an 8pm concert by Tommy in the Main Manship Theatre! Notice there is a separate link for concert tickets on our website main page, or go to for concert tickets.

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