Guitar Camp Scotland
13 Nov 2017
I’d like to personally invite you to join me at the Tommy Emmanuel Guitar Camp in Scotland. This will be my very first camp in Europe, and I can’t wait. We’ll be staying at a castle called Atholl Palace in Pitlochry May 11-15, 2018. It’s the perfect space for us to enjoy the country and the guitar. You’re going to see a countryside and way of life that’s so beautiful and different. During that time of year, Scotland is just breathtaking. Every morning, I’ll host a two-hour Q&A where you can ask me anything. I answer questions, talk about my experiences, and give tips. We’re going to be a big happy family by the end of this thing. That’s one of the aspects that I really love about hosting these. The afternoons consist of workshops and lessons. I’m inviting some amazing players along to join us, namely Richard Smith and John Knowles, CGP. Each guest has his own style and story that he can’t wait to share. I learn something from these guys every time I’m around them, so I’m equally excited! Of course, we’ll be putting on our nightly concerts too. Musically, I wanted to do something different. At this one, we’re going to teach a little bluegrass as well as some of my songs. Bluegrass comes from Celtic music, so I want to dig into the roots of it in Scotland. It’s not just about me demonstrating songs (which of course you’ll get), but I’ll also share various techniques and exercises to improve your technique and smooth out arrangements. My goal is always to give attendees the tools to make themselves better players. Ultimately, it’s all about having an amazing time together. My goal is for everybody to take away something unforgettable. It’s that kind of experience. Everything comes from hanging together, learning from each other, and playing from a pure point-of-view. We’re here because we love to play, and that’s what it’s all about! I can’t wait to see you all in Scotland in May.
Much Love…Tommy Emmanuel, CGP
More information and registration information can be found here!

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