Tommy Emmanuel


Guitar Camp Sydney
30 Mar 2016

-Australia Guitar Camp-

Tommy’s popular Guitar Camp is returning to Sydney, Australia!

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4 days and nights of teaching and performances in Sydney’s glorious Northern Beaches region at Checkers Resort (only 25 KM north of Sydney’s CBD).   Click here or the image above for full registration details and camp information!

Excellent learning opportunities through masterclasses and performances…  with plenty of time to interact informally with Tommy and instructors:  Stuie French, Simon Hosford…  and very special guest instructor Phil Emmanuel.

With room for only 90-100 reservations, be sure to secure your spot for this one of a kind experience!

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ALL LEVELS of players are welcome!  Straight from Tommy himself:  “you don’t have to be an advanced player to come to my camps – if you love to play, that’s all that matters!”


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