Tommy Emmanuel
Those Who Wait
8 May 2020

At one point in my career, I had management and the record company people pressuring me to not go solo. All my instincts were telling me that’s exactly what I must do. After some confrontations, I made the decision to break free of contracts, records companies, and management. I knew my destiny lie in being a solo player and composer. I was told that I was crazy thinking that people would want to hear solo acoustic guitar. They said there’s no market for that kind of music. I answered, “I’ll create one.” After standing my ground, I felt empowered to throw myself completely into a solo career. Once I made up my mind, nothing could stop this song coming out of me. It’s a statement of finding the courage to be yourself when all around you want you to be something else.

Today is release day! You can also stream the entire album on Spotify or Apple Music. You can also buy your own copy of The Best of Tommysongs on my web-store by clicking here!

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The Man With The Green Thumb
5 May 2020

This song is really a tribute to Chet Atkins for he was a man that planted seeds all over the world and changed the lives of everyone who came to know him and be influenced by him. The first bar of the bridge contains a quote from Merle Travis’ “Saturday Night Shuffle.” I did this on purpose because Merle came before Chet and there would be no Chet without Merle. Every time I perform this song, I feel like I’m standing on the shoulders of giants.

You can pre-order your very own copy of The Best of Tommysongs from my web-store today! Click here to shop now!!

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Song For A Rainy Morning
1 May 2020

I wrote this song after having a dream in which my sister and brother visited me. It was very vivid and real. When I woke up, the hotel window was wide open and it was raining outside. I felt like they left via the window and left it open for me. Somehow this song speaks to the soul and gives me comfort.

You can stream this beautiful song on Spotify and Apple Music today! You can also purchase a copy from the web-store by clicking here

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